Kolibri Theatre for Children

Founded in 1992 by János Novák, executive and artistic director, composer and theatre director, Kolibri Theatre for Children and Youth is the only professional children’s and youth theatre in Hungary which has its own company and performs for children from 0 up to 18 years of age.

Kolibri’s extensive and manifold repertory ranges from adaptations of classic, Hungarian, and world literature, through contemporary Hungarian and international authors’ plays, to performances, puppet shows, fairy tale plays, operas and physical theatre for small children and adolescents.

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Owing to János Novák’s inventive initiations, Kolibri pioneered in establishing new genres in Hungarian children’s and youth theatre by introducing live music on stage, theatre for babies and toddlers, class room theatre, youth plays, opera, and new adaptations of novels for screenplay and stage.

Accordingly, Kolibri has also been a leading figure in Hungarian educational programmes related to theatre and drama pedagogy.

Kolibri proudly announce that it continues the participation both in PLATFORM shift+ and Small Size – Performing Art for the Early Years –through Creative Europe, the new European Commission’s framework program for support to the culture and audiovisual sectors.

www.kolibriszinhaz.hu            Facebook Page

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