Emergency Exit Arts makes dynamic, surprising and ambitious work in the public realm through a multi-disciplinary arts approach that responds to people, places and current agendas. Since 1980, EEA has pioneered outdoor performance, participatory events, pyrotechnic theatre and innovative, gigantic mechanical puppets.
From their base in London, they work across the UK and Europe with over 100 creative multi-disciplinary specialists. In 2014 EEA delivered 70 different projects to audiences in excess of 500,000 and worked with over 19,000 participants.
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[pullquote cite=”Arts at the Heart” type=”right”]”…something less tangible occurred, something inside touched by an experience of communities, of provocation, of ritual and festival. A sense of the arts keeping faith with the enjoyment of creative action for its own sake, for the intrinsic quality that gives people a sense of being alive!”[/pullquote]
EEA is an Arts Council England’s National Portfolio organisation receiving funding over the next three years to develop and deliver four interlinked programmes:
[icon_list] [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”]It Can Happen Here – High impact, bespoke events and touring shows that reach people who face barriers to engaging with the arts.[/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”]Make It Happen – Nurturing new talent through experimentation and skills development[/icon_list_item] [icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”]The Street Arts Academy – High quality, inclusive opportunities for children and young people, helping them create responses to the places they live, work and play through experimentation across different art forms.[/icon_list_item][icon_list_item type=”arrow-right”]Creative Activism – A stimulus and research base for their work in partnership with schools, museums and libraries.[/icon_list_item][/icon_list]
www.emergencyexitarts.org.uk Facebook Page Twitter Page
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